Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kevin's Fan Fiction

With pumpkin carriage and beautiful dress, that how Cinderella entered the Palace. Everybody glimpsed at her. Her pumpkin carriage was so elegant and her dress was the most beautiful thing that anyone has ever seen. Any men who saw couldn’t get their eyes off her. Even the ladies, with jealousy, stared at her. She was the most beautiful lady at the ball. As she walked into the hall, people have to move to make a way for her. Even her stepmother and her 2 step sisters couldn’t take their eyes off her. They didn’t know who the lady in the beautiful dress was but she was just too beautiful to be true.

Finally, time for all the ladies have been waiting for has come. As it was the party for Prince to find his one and only, the future queen, he had to dance with every lady at the ball. There were many beautiful ladies at the ball but only one that prince was waiting for was Cinderella.

Shortly after, it was Cinderella’s turn to dance, both prince and Cinderella’s heart was beating fast. Prince was waiting to dance with Cinderella. As they hold their hands and began to dance, everybody was looking at the couple. Even the King and the Queen thought Cinderella was right match for Prince.
As they dance, the time was passing and the clock hand was moving toward the “12”. Cinderella was getting anxious. The whole spell will disappear at 12, just like it was just a dream. The clock was finally showing 12 o’clock and the bell was ringing. Cinderella quickly turned herself away from the prince and ran away, leaving only a glass slipper.

After the party, the normal life of Cinderella had begun once again. Everything was back to normal, pumpkin, mouse, dress and everything. Her stepmother and stepsisters made her prepare meal, do dishes, do the laundry and all the house work that anyone can think of and more. For a while, everyone in the house was talking about the “BEAUTIFUL” lady at the ball which made Cinderella smile every time she hears the story.

Prince, himself couldn’t forget Cinderella as well. By holding on to her glass slipper, he decided to find her true love. With just few servants the prince goes around houses of every people that attended the party. When he arrived at Cinderella’s house, her heart was beating fast again. The glass slipper was only made for her and no one else can fit the shoes. Just like many other ladies, her sisters have tried the glass slipper but failed except one, who nearly got her foot on. As the prince was about to go, Cinderella stopped him. He called him back and asked him to let her try. Prince did not like to but everyone can try it on. But when Cinderella put on the shoes, it was perfect fit for her. The prince was confused. She was nothing like the “most beautiful girl that anyone would have ever met.” No one can find that beautiful lady in Cinderella. Stepmother and stepsisters were laughing at her. They thought she just happen to have same size foot as that beautiful lady. There was just no way Cinderella could be the beautiful lady at the ball. She had silky skin that is soft like babies, big eyes; Cinderella had nothing in common with the beautiful lady. Pimples all over her face, big nose, and even small eyes. Everything was different from the lady from the ball. All thanks to the fairy god mother, not only she got the pumpkin carriage and beautiful dress but also “plastic surgery” that made her so pretty that no one could notice it was Cinderella that they know.

The prince got confused. He was going to marry the lady from the ball but it was too different from what he thought it would be. He just thought he would find that beautiful lady, marry her and live happily ever after just like other fairy tale. But as Cinderella got back to as she was, back to the ugly “Cinderella”, the prince didn’t know what to do. He just wanted to run away but the girl that he dreamed about is right in front of him, in a little bit different form I should say. He actually didn’t know what to do, whether to stay or go, to marry her or leave her.

He looked around to find somewhere to hide. Then he found someone. Someone that wasn’t as ugly as Cinderella, to be honest, much more beautiful than Ugly Cinderella. Drizella, that was her name. She was Cinderella’s step sister and her foot was small enough to fit the Glass slipper, almost. She could not be as beautiful as the lady at the ball, but the prince had to find some way not to marry Cinderella. “The lady at the ball was Drizella.” The prince shouted out. He felt sorry for Cinderella but he just couldn’t marry her.

After the incident at Cinderella’s house, the prince brought Drizella back to castle. They made a huge wedding and got married. And they lived happily ever after. Sadly for Cinderella, she was left behind with her stepmother and another stepsister and lived whole life doing house work, wishing the Fairy God mother would come back to save her, make her pretty again,



  1. OMG I love this fan fiction.lol
    In the orininal story, Cinderella is beautiful even if she comes back to normal. Isn't she?

    Please try to describe your story more deeply.
    Can you give me more detail?
    I'm really interested on your story. !
    Good~ work.!!

  2. its not quite finished yet.
    i think i need to reduce the text a little.
    contains too much of the original text

  3. The story has changed totally. !
    I like this story too.
    But.... What a poor Cinderella....
    I know, all stories can't have happy ending but It's sad. lol
    Great story. !

  4. Kevin, interesting twist I actually enjoyed reading this version. I think you're quite descriptive and apart from a few grammatical errors I feel you've done a good job. Also, I feel that you need to stick to just one tense either present or past. It gets quite confusing when you switch from past tense to present and vice-versa. The plot is good, but the way the story is written in terms of tense and grammar has scope for improvement.
