Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pavan's Fan Fiction : Swat Kats - End of Dr. Viper?

SWAT KATS : The Radical Squadron

Viper’s Doom

            The sky is tinged with a deep purple haze, a cloud of dust and smog hangs over the skyline of Megakat city, the crowded streets below, bustling with Kats. The wind is calm and the stars have begun to gleam with the setting of the evening sun.  Something stirs in the biochemical department of Megakat Laboratories, a pair of bright yellow eyes glancing through the shelves apparently searching for a chemical. “Yesss…” hissing laughter escapes the green elongated jaws of Dr.Viper, the most sinister criminal the city has seen. He has found what he was searching for. Slowly he slithers back into the sewers of the lively metropolis.
“sssoon Megakat sssity will be at my feet begging for the antidote. This will teach thossse insssolent foolss not to mock my resssearch hahahahaha..” with that the short half lizard half Kat pours the toxin into the sewer water instantly mutating all the creatures that inhabit the channels of Megakat’s waste disposal system.
            Meanwhile, at the Megakat salvage yard, a TV emits loud shrieking noises followed by loud laughter inside what seems to be a garage. T-Bone, a plump ace fighter pilot, clutching his bottle of milk is roaring with laughter and hitting his partner Razor who’s seated next to him laughing uncontrollably. “hahahahahaha Tom is so funny! He can never catch that little mouse ahahahaha..” T-Bone exclaims loudly. Razor nods with agreement and sets his own bottle down still shaking with fits of laughter. Suddenly a blaring siren begins to ring throughout the garage and the duo chokes on their milk and sputter all over each other.

“Yes Ms. Briggs” says an alarmed T-bone after hitting the red light on the intercom.
“Swat Kats! Dr. Viper has poisoned the sewers of Megakat City and now his evil mutants are running amok in the city!”
“We’re on our way!” shouts Razor already unzipping his overalls to reveal a sleek black and red jumpsuit, T-Bone doing the same while running towards the Turbokat, a jet they had built from scratch using scraps from their salvage yard. Moments later, the black jet takes off into the air from an underground ramp leaving behind a trail of smoke.
“Wonder what that slimy reptile is up to this time” Razor inquired
“No idea but I’m sure we’re about to find out and it isn’t going to be something we can’t handle buddy” T-Bone replies as the duo soar high above the city.
“ Calling all enforcers…” said a voice amidst static sounds through the radio “..this is lieutenant Feral, the source of Viper’s mutants seem to be appearing from the sewers around Megakat Labs.. “
“Ya hear that buddy?”

“Yeah we’re already here… Holy Kats look at the size of that rat, Razor!” shouts T-Bone.
“Yeah I see him buddy, Incinerator Missiles locked on target! Firing in 3..2..1..” A few seconds later, “Booyah! Direct hit!” Razor shouts back as the 30 foot rat bursts into flame and instantly turns to ash.

“Hey T-Bone, air drop me over the sewer outside Megakat Labs. I’ll take care of Viper you try and figure out a way to stop his mutants!”
 “Razor, the sewers contain water so if we freeze that water, we might have a shot at stopping the mutants in their tracks”
“It might just do the trick. Why don’t you pick up a tank of rocket coolant from MASA I’m sure the Megakat Aeronautics Space Association would like to help in putting a stop to this mayhem” suggests Razor before jumping out of his seat and gliding to the ground using his portable parachute. “Pick me up in fifteen minutes I’ll find a way to stop Viper!” he radios in while pulling open a sewer cover.  
            “If I was a demented doctor trying to take over the city, where would I be..?” Razor thinks to himself as he wades through the underground channels filled with the city’s waste. After pinning two giant cockroaches to the wall with a few well aimed shots of his cement gun, he moves swiftly towards a secluded area following the sound of shifting feet. “Viper!” he yells at the sight of those glowing yellow eyes. “This will be the end of you ssswat Kat!” hisses Dr. Viper and pounces. His strength almost overpowers the comparatively puny yet agile Razor. After wrestling each other and swapping blows, Razor hears a familiar voice in his helmet

“Come in Razor.. I’ve got the payload and blown all the creatures above ground to kingdom come. I’m nearing the drop site you need to get out of the sewers NOW!”

Holding his arm stretched straight ahead, a gun with two barrels appears out of his glove. With the scope to his eye, Razor takes aim and fires one shot. Ropes shoot out of his glove, binding the menacing doctor. “Got’cha!”
“I’ve bound the doctor. I’ll just leave him for the enforcers. We don’t wanna make it look like the enforcers are completely useless” chuckles Razor while making his way out of the sewer, along with a bound Dr. Viper on his back. After dropping the evil genius on the ground Razor is airlifted into his seat in the Turbokat behind his partner.

“HAHAHA You got that right bud. Deploying coolant now!” With that, T-Bone drops the payload into the sewers, which in turn freezes all the mutants as a wave of ice sweeps through.

“I think its safe to say that Viper has finally been wiped out!” at this, the duo burst out laughing as they fly over Megakat City, homeward bound after a long day’s work.

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