Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Xtina's fanfic - Peter Pan

It was a silent autumn night. The trees were tip-toeing with the breeze and dimly glowing street lamps were lighting the empty street. Wendy lay flat in her bed staring into the emptiness. She could hear a dog crying in the distance. She’d been trying to go back to sleep since she woke up a while ago but something was bothering her from inside that made her heart beat fast. Wendy finally stood her thin body up and out of the bed.

The hallway was dark and somewhat spooky. When Wendy turned the wooden door knob to her brothers' room she found Michael and John sound asleep in their beds. Michael was holding onto his teddy bear as if it was going to leave him and John had laid his gentleman's hat next to his pillow carefully along with his glasses. They looked so peaceful lying there. Wendy slowly walked to Michael and reached her hands out to tuck him in better when there was a loud bang just outside the window. She screamed and quickly covered her mouth looking at her brothers. Silence. Wendy broke herself free and walked towards the window. Slowly, she reached out her pale white hand and opened the curtain and gasped in surprise. There he was. Peter Pan. Her oldest and dearest friend. The long lost friend. The reason of her many sleepless nights.

"Peter," Wendy whispered trying to hide the joy but she didn't do a very good job.

Peter invited himself into the house, as he always did, followed by Tinkerbell.

Tinkerbell gave Wendy a snappy look as she stayed near the window. Wendy always thought Tinkerbell didn't really fancy her but, she never confronted and Tinkerbell never admitted.

"Peter, what in world? How did you? Why are you?"

"Gee, Wendy, you have to learn to speak first!"

Peter started laughing and his laughter was echoing around the small room.

"Shhh, Peter, keep your voice down! You might wake them up!" said Wendy glancing at the beds.

"But why? Sleeping isn't fun! Being wide awake, flying and playing is the best!"

"Stop it. You don't understand how hard it was for us! The magic, pirates, Captain Hook, orphans and the battle on the ship! We were back here but we weren't really back. The boys struggled. We kept telling each other that we’ll go back to Neverland. That you would come back for us. That Tinkerbell would do her little magic and we would think our happy things and boom, we would fly again! We waited and waited but you never came. You never did!""

"Come on, Wendy. It's unfair. You can't blame it on me!"

"You haven't changed. Nothing matters to you. You don't care about anything but yourself!"

"Enough, both of you! Wendy, here, take this. I know this will make you feel better," Tinkerbell said and tossed a brown bag into Wendy's hands. Wendy knew what it was.

"Come on, just like the old days! Time to fly high again."

Wendy slowly turned and looked at the two boys. She wasn't sure whether she should wake them up. They would be thrilled to fly again but then...

"Don't worry about John and Michael. We can come back for them later!" Peter said as he was opening the bag in Wendy's hand and pushing it towards her.  Wendy could see the soft white powder sparkling and glaring at her, and she knew that she was ready for what she had missed for so long.


“I've never seen anything like this,” Lieutenant Hook thought as he scanned through the dull room.  He'd been with the force all his life and he was certain he had seen the worst. Not until today. Two boys, identified as John and Michael, were found in their beds. Forensics say that they were hung by someone and then laid in bed. They both looked so peaceful except for the bruise around their necks. They must have not known what was happening to them. Hook had a feeling that their blood test would come back positive for sedatives.

“Lucky for them, I should say,” Hook muttered and sighed.

The DNA of the skin tissue found on the rope used to hang them matched that of their parents. Hook slowly walked over to the man and the woman lying on the floor next to the window. The neighbours say that they were a happy couple but something was different since a few months ago when Peter's business went down the road. Peter started drinking and Wendy, the wife, seemed to be anxious all the time. Lieutenant Hook looked down at Peter again. Dressed in a dark green T-shirt, Peter’s dead face looked a little crooked.

“Is he smiling? Happy-death? How ironic.”

Peter's olive skinned hand was holding on to Wendy's pale hand. Hook stared into Wendy's blank blue eyes.

“Pretty. Very,” Hook thought.

Her fair blonde hair was draped around her face. Her white silk sleeping dress was wrapped around her body showing off her curves. A blue ribbon that must have fallen off her hair when she collapsed, was sitting right next to her waist. Hook felt sorry for this once-alive young woman. A journal had been found in Wendy's bedside table earlier. It seems like Wendy was creating this new world called 'Neverland' and started referring to her sons as her brothers.  Also, she had this delusion that her family could fly with this magic powder. That explained (or   So that was) why the boys were hung before being laid in their beds. He was again relieved that the boys were heavily sedated before all this happened.

Lieutenant Hook was deep in his thoughts when an officer approached him and handed over a yellow folder. The blood tests of the parents had just come back and they were positive for both alcohol and drugs. The report said, “The cause of death: overdose”. Just as he predicted. Hook felt the cool autumn breeze on his cheek and looked outside. The window was wide open with the curtain dancing in the wind. Hook stared at the little fairy figure in green hanging at the window. Cool air blew into the room again and made the fairy fly by the window.  Lieutenant Hook could be wrong, but for a second, he thought the fairy lips twisted as their eyes met.


  1. I have struggled a little at the 3rd paragraph.
    It is 15years after the beginning of the story right??
    but i think the story line is pretty good as it shows different side of the "fairy tale". Peter and Wendy who never wanted to grow up is now stuggling with their business and fed up with work.

  2. I have totally misunderstood the whole essay
    as you explain, I clearly understand what you are talking about now
    I think its clear once you know what others are talking about so the text is very understandable to me now

  3. I totally understand what you mean. It's so hard giving hints in words within 800 word limit! Peter and Wendy are married and they got addicted to alcohol and drugs. They hung their kids to die thinking the kids are flying. The boys didn't wake up in the first half of the story because they were dead! can't wake up, I guess. And then they eventually die of drug and alcohol overdose. I guess I will have to make some hints a bit more obvious.

  4. hahaha, omg, this is so DARK!
    Thought this is a kid story!
    Well, I gatta say, VERY CREATIVE.

  5. Hi, X-Tina sis~ ^^
    The story is like a real. ! You have a remarkable ability to express your emotion and imagination. More, honestly thank you helping me to figured me out of my poor story.
    I love you~~~ lol. ^^
