Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mon's Fanfic

"Shake my heart" - The story of Reiko Natsume from "Natsume's Book Of Friends"

Why am I here?  What is my purpose?  Why me?
I do not want to see these things that no one else can't.
All I want is to be "normal".
This is not a "gift", it's a curse.

"You can see me right?" a voice suddenly popped up.
I turned my head and see a face upside down looking at me with fierce curious eyes.
"What do you want?" I asked cautiously.  The white pale face slowly slide down from above and turned her/his, I am not so certain "it" is a male or a female, head straight and then spoke once again, "I can smell your strong scent from far away, you smell...... DELICIOUS!" The thing suddenly attacked me straight on and grabbed hold of my neck while it's mouth growing larger and larger just about to swallow my head.  I felt my eyes start to burn, and then I remember what my grandfather had taught me when I was only three.  I quickly bite my finger to draw blood so I can write an ancient spell on my right palm.  Once the spell is written I closed both of my palms together and start to mumble the ancient spell in words.  The thing dropped me instantly and immediately pulled itself away.  I then grab a piece of paper and ink pen on my desk to start positioning the "zone" to trap the monster.  The monster realized that it is not possible to escape so it then tried to attack me again but failed because the monster is no longer able to move since it is within my control.
Now that the monster is defeated it begged, "Please don't kill me, I am only too hungry.  Every other monster are all stronger than me, they have taken all my food."

"It is not my problem.  You tried to eat me too!  Give me a better reason not to demolish you."  I said as I put my hands together and ready to start another spell to finish the monster off.

"All right, all right!"  The monster panicked and says, "How about I give you my name?"

"Why do I need your name for!?"

"A monster's name is very important, it's just as important as my life!"

"Then I might as well take your life."

"No, no, you don't understand.  Once you have my name, I will become your friend, your ally."

The monster's words start to make sense to me.  I have neither friends nor allies, never thought I will ever have any or needed any.  Humans are scared of me because I talk about things that they do not understand. All the monsters want is to eat me.  But this monster is different, there were no monsters offered their name.  No monsters so far I met begged for their life.  So I start to wonder...
"Why are you offering your name to become my ally?"

"If I offer you my name, I may have a chance to live longer."

"What makes you think I'll let you live after you've given me your name?"

"We will have a contract.  Once my name is given, you cannot destroy it.  If you do, it will be your life that gets shortened.  A human life is very short.  You wouldn't want to jeopardize your own life would you?"

"You know, I don't need a monster for a friend or an ally."

"PLEASE! Please don't kill me, I don't want to disappear!"

"Why do you want to live so badly??"

"There is someone I cannot leave behind."

"Someone?  Another monster?"

"No, a human, a human who I owe a great favour to long long time ago.  She is getting too old and she may leave this world soon.  But not yet, I cannot leave before she does.  You can take my life after she's gone."

It never occurred to me that monsters can have feelings or remember any "favours" received, especially from human.  Now I am curious, who is this human and what did she do for this monster?  So I asked, "Tell me your story with her.  I want to know what kind of "favour" you owe her that is just as important as your life, your name."
As I listen to his story, I felt my heart start to shake.  The story was about a weak monster that lay in the forest alone after a fight it will never win.   The monster lay in the forest for days, it was hungry but with no strength to hunt.  The monster cried, hoping for pity, but days and days gone by there were no hope.  Until a girl passing by who also has a gift similar to mine but with no power to place spells.  The girl was young and naive she approached the monster and gave it food later with shelter to heal the monster's wounds.  The girl had left the monster without saying goodbye.  Since then, the monster had been searching for this girl and guardian her after it found her recently.
A monster with an infatuated mind is rare.  In fact, I used to believe they don't exist.  It was interesting enough, so I decided from now on whichever monster challenges me will be betting on their name, their story.
From now onwards, I will set my journey on creating my "book of friends" using my so-called "gift".

Once decision is made I say to the monster, "I will accept your contract.  Give me your name." 



  1. Is it like 'Ghost whisperer' but anime?

  2. wow, you comment fast, I haven't even finish it yet ><
    I meant to write it more like a warm and touching though...but just thought the intro should seek more "attention" first.

  3. Oh, by the way, forgot to answer your question:
    not exactly like "ghost whispers" because those things are not "ghosts" more like ancient monsters. This would be more like "Buffy the vampire slayer"....?
    So instead of vampires, it's ancient monsters ^^
    It's a real cool anime, should check it out sometime ^^

  4. oh, You really did it.!! You tried to make a horror goust story.lol Your idea is freash, I like the monster rather than goust.! Good job. I'm looking forward your story. ^^

  5. Interesting story, I should watch the original anime one day (you surely got it ay?). I would love see more description on this monster/ally/friend/mysterious creature. Just so that I can imagine what is actually happening. So, they will be friends?

  6. Tina: Well, I thought about writing more on "the monster" but it'll get way too long! So, I've made it very brief. And here goes:
    "the monster" once used to be a human but turned into a monster because of greed. After turning into a monster he realised his mistakes and then start to regret. Because of regret, he's weak, coz unable to be a complete monster.

    How's that for the monster description? ^o^

  7. I really like your story.
    But i think 800 will be too short to complete the story. It was just about to get interesting and it finishes. It will be very interesting to see next episode of it

  8. very interesting story. It's sad we only have a word limit of 800 for I would really like to read some more of your work. you should continue writing on this blog i'm sure you will find quite a few people who will enjoy reading this. I think this fan fiction is very descriptive, excellent use of imagery "I quickly bite my finger to draw blood so I can write an ancient spell on my right palm" and very good transition (the story makes sense). Overall, job very well done
